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HomeLess Movies – CINEMA WITHOUT FAMILY is a project for collecting and rescuing abandoned, orphaned, family-less audiovisual material.
In a little less than ten years we have collected around 300 hours of audio and video, predominantly from flea markets (16mm, 8mm and super8 film, VHS, Video 8 and audio tapes).
Over the last years, projects for the compilation of amateur recollections and family memories have become more and more popular, as in the so-called “home movie” category. These audiovisual projects and productions are often supported by archives, which rely on institutional or private funding. However, a great deal of material ends up forgotten in basements, physically damaged and degraded, sometimes to be forgotten about entirely until they resurface on market stalls awaiting hobbyists and obsessives. Our project underlines and problematizes one aspect of such memories, often forgotten and relegated to darkness. The archive that is being built in fact is formed from the rescuing of abandoned material – hence the project’s title and subtitle: HomeLess Movies – CINEMA WITHOUT FAMILY.
The material spans from North Africa to Greece, from northern Sardinia to the Sulcis, from north Italy to the capital cities of Europe, from East Berlin to Palestine. A kaleidoscope of takes on disparate lands and societies, fragments and visions from different times, but which, under a fresh gaze, construct an ineffable temporality which is capable of connecting to the present.
The aim is to put this material back into circulation within cinematographic work, audio-documentary, concerts, performances, artistict books, publications.

─ 2024

Erbafoglio n.28

─ 2024

Archival photo-narrative

─ 2023

The Elaborated City

─ 2023

Second-hand Cinema Lab

─ 2022

16mm LAB

─ 2022

Voices from the ravines

HomeLess Movies – Cinema without family
Edited by: Associazione L’Ambulante
Conceived by: Gaetano Crivaro
Coordinators: Gaetano Crivaro / Margherita Pisano
Collaborators: Alessandro Di Naro (ollection and research), Claudia Cuncu (cataloging)
Partership: Cineteca Sarda – Cagliari
With the support of: the Autonomous Regione – L.R. 20.09.2006 n. 15, art. 16, comma 3. Contributions to public organisations for the realization of projects for study and research.
Financial Year 2023
Finalist in AIPH 2023 – Italian Association of Public History