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L’Ambulante is a research laboratory that experiments with the interaction between visual arts, territories, cities, and its dwellers through cultural initiatives and urban research.
L’Ambulante dives into various territories in order to establish long-term projects and offer different perspectives and representations of our time.

Officially established in 2014 – though active as a collective since 2011 – L’Ambulante produces films (Hey Boys, 2019; En Route, 2018; Mamihlapinatapai – People of Bogotá, 2017; El Vagon – Cagliari, 2015; La Processione, 2015; Isole Madri, 2014; Good Buy Roma, 2011) and cultural projects such as Passu Passu (Cagliari, 2014, conceived and created in collaboration with the association Scambiare) and Il Borgo Analogico, 2015.
Since 2015 L’Ambulante curates the research project VIDEORITRATTI, organizes film festivals such as Ritratti Pellicole Corpi Città (2018), Cinebarrio (2018), Transizioni (2017), and is a partner of the projects Teatri Diffusi (Basilicata, 2015-2016) and Nessuno Resti Fuori – Festival di teatro città e persone (Matera 2016), organized and promoted in collaboration with Iac e L’albero. It has also cooperated with various cultural and artistic promotion projects – such as Clessidra (2016), Radio Migrante (2015), Storie di Città (2014) – that share L’Ambulante’s poetics, politics and cultural intention.

Borrowing from its founders’ backgrounds, L’Ambulante develops artistic and cultural projects, and activities of social promotion intertwined with urban research, cinema and relational art, with the aim of creating cultural experiments that can also become moments of local activation, education and artistic production.

Cinema, the main artistic language upon which routes and projects are built, is understood as a tool for interacting with and narrating the territories, which can be merged with diverse cultural and artistic languages in order to generate visions and messages that provide a place of expression for the territory and its inhabitants.

Who we worked with
– Aberyswyth University
– Società Umanitaria Cineteca Sarda (Cagliari)
– Comune di Ales (OR)
– Los Encinesmados (Bogotà)
– Arcupa. La otra Mirada (Bogotà)
– El Espejo. Escuela de Cine (Bogotà)
– IAC. Centro Arti Integrate di Matera (MT)
– Compagnia Teatrale L’Albero, Melfi (PZ)
– (S)cambiare
– Urban Center Cagliari
– Associazione 4caniperstrada
– Pentedattilo Film Festival (RC)
– Clessidra
– DICEA. La Sapienza, Roma
– Comune di Pollina (PA)
– Comune di Tortorici (ME)
– Comune di Galati Mamertino (ME)
– Comune di Mirto (ME)
– Comune di Sant’Angelo di Brolo (ME)
– Comune di Sant’Agata di Militello (ME)
– LaboLargent
– Atelier MTK

Who Supported Us
– ERC. European Research Council
– MIBAC. Ministero dei Beni e delle Attività Culturali
– Global Rural Project
– ANCI. Associazione Nazionale Comuni Italiani
Regione Autonoma della Sardegna
Comune di Cagliari
Comune di Ales (OR)
Movin’ Up. Gai (Giovani Artisti Italiani)
PDB. Produzioni dal Basso
Teatri Diffusi
Nessuno Resti Fuori (Festival di Teatro Città e Persone)
Pentedattilo Film Festival (RC)
– Regione Sicilia
– Comune di Sant’Agata di Militello (ME)
– UNISS – Università di Sassari – DADU / Dipartimento architettura Design e urbanistica
– Archivio di Stato di Cagliari