16mm LAB

Recording, developing a copying: an introductory workshop to 16mm film

by Gaetano Crivaro and Alessandro Di Naro | L’Ambulante
Alix Tulipe and Marta Anatra | Labo Largent

An intensive workshop conceived to transmit rudimental technical and artistic foundations for working with 16mm film.

How to load as Krashnogorsk-3 and a Bolex Paillard, deepening theoretical and practical principles for recording on film in black and white, dark-room work and developing film, exploring diverse processes.

The workshop follows an interactive work format.

Each participant has at their disposition ten metres of film to experiment with filming and making brief sequences.

On the second day we prepare the solutions for developing the two or three spools of film captured the day before.

Once the film has been shot and developed, the pre-existing footage and the L’Ambulante and LaboLargent archives are used to experiment with inverting and copying images with the help of a 16mm projector.

Equipped with cutter and joiner, a short film is edited and put together using a selection of the footage shot and archive footage.


Final evening:

Screening of the film produced during the workshop
Screening of film edited by @homeless_movies
Two live musical works by @j_mve_
Screening of three short films by @labo_largent