Cinema workshops for secondary schools. The short-movie workshops took part in ten municipalities under 1000 inhabitants in the provinces of Cagliari, Sassari, Oristano and Nuoro. Eventually, the workshops (which are divided into four modules – storytelling, screenplay, direction and acting – and have seen the participation of over 200 students) led to the realisation of a short movie together with some of the participants.

Noam, a thirteen-year-old kid that lives in a small town in Sardinia, spends his time collecting coins from all over Europe, biking around and learning foreign languages on YouTube. But when a Spanish girl arrives, the rhythm and habits of his own existence suddenly change.

Direction: Matteo Incollu
Story: Laura Biagini and the students of scuola media di Villanovaforru
Photography: Federica Ortu
Camera: Gaetano Crivaro
Sound: Roberto Cois
Production and assistant director: Margherita Pisano
Scenography: Salvatore Aresu
Editing: Nicola Contini
Edition secretary: Gabriele e Giorgia Moi
Workshops and short film curated by Mommotty SrlS and L’Ambulante
L’Europa Intorno is a project realized as part of the initiatives of sensibilization for the Piano di Comunicazione Po.FESR Sardegna 2014-2020 program.