Cinema di Seconda Mano
Cinema di Seconda mano is project focused on research, experimentation and cinema dissemination, which investigates the potential of pre-existing images to create new visions.
Cinema di Seconda mano is Research Cinema that reuse the existent, uses already used material, already produced, already included in other works, to produce new works, ad infinitum.

“Image has often more memory and future of the person looking at it.”
(Didi Hubermann)
It is necessary to overcome the vision of the archive as a container of history / memory.
The image is an element that must be broken down and reassembled, to be reused for new meaningful constructions. Traces therefore, rather than historical documents, which never run out.
Project by L’Ambulante
Curators: Gaetano Crivaro e Margherita Pisano
With the participation of: Felice D’Agostino, Arturo Lavorato, Margherita Riva, Alberto Diana, Luca Carboni
Scientific Consultant: Lidia De Candia, Roberto De Angelis
Partner: Società Umanitaria – Cineteca Sarda di Cagliari, Rapporto Confidenziale
With the contribution of: Regione autonoma della Sardegna / Regione Autònoma de Sardigna, Assessorato della Pubblica Istruzione, beni culturali, informazione, spettacolo e sport / Assessoradu de s’Istrutzione, benes culturales, informatzione, ispetàculu e isport